Bowed Kite
Picture a colorful diamond-shaped kite dancing in the breeze against a turquoise blue sky. Flying this maneuverable and efficiently designed model is fascinating and fun. Children will enjoy helping with this craft project and will take pride in decorating the kite with their own artwork. You can create this classic bowed kite using the pattern presented here and following the step-by-step process. The diagrams can be enlarged by clicking on the small thumbnail images. (Right-click on the enlargement and select "Save Picture As" if you wish to save the image to a location on your computer's hard drive.)
Make a Bowed Kite
1. Cut notches in all four ends of your hardwood strips, across the 3/8-inch width at the tips, using the craft knife or X-acto tool. Make the notches 1/16 inch wide by 1/16 inch deep.
2. Place the hardwood strips at right angles to form a cross shape, with the horizontal strip placed 6 inches below the top end of the vertical strip. Apply a small drop of glue between the strips at the joint. Cut an 8-inch piece of kite string off of the roll, and use it to lash the hardwood strips together. Apply a small drop of glue on the lashing to help secure the joint. Allow the glue to dry thoroughly while proceeding with the next step.
3. Add decorative artwork to the front surface of the paper using the colored markers. (This can occupy some time while the glue is drying on the wood strips.)
4. Unravel a length of kite string long enough to reach from tip to tip of the wood strips, starting from the top, and going completely around the cross shape, meeting back again at the top tip. Allow 4 extra inches of length with which to tie the string securely. Ensure that the string is pulled taught between each tip before tying off the knot at the top.
5. Place the paper with the decorated surface facing down on a table. Place the strung crosspiece assembly on top of the paper and align it in the center. Draw lines on the paper along each side, parallel to the string, spaced 1 inch away from the string, toward the outside edges. Cut out the diamond shape drawn by the lines. (The diamond shape should be 1 inch larger on each side than the strung crosspieces.)
6. Cut the corner points off of the diamond-shaped paper. Make the cuts 1/4 inch to the inside of the tips of the crosspieces. (The overlap will then form flaps, which are folded over the string between the tips.)
7. Fold the flaps formed by the overlapping edges of the paper, so that the crease of the folds are touching the string between the tips of the crosspieces. Ensure that the crease of the fold is straight and crisp.
8. Apply glue carefully along the inside edges of the flaps. Allow for a gap, free of glue, next to the strings to avoid getting glue on them. Then, fold the flaps over and press them firmly down to secure them. Allow sufficient time for the glue to dry thoroughly.
9. Cut a 3-foot length of kite string off of the roll. Wrap the string three times around one end of the horizontal crosspiece, just inside the notch and string, and tie it in place. Then carefully bow the crosspiece so that the arch is 4 inches deep. Wrap the other end of the string three times around the opposite end of the crosspiece, just inside the notch and string, and tie it securely in place. Place a small drop of glue on the wrapped string and knot to help secure the binding.
10. Cut a 3-foot length of string off of the roll to make a bridle for the kite. Wrap the string three times around the top tip of the vertical crosspiece, just below the notch and string, and tie securely. Wrap the string three times around the bottom tip of the vertical crosspiece, just above the notch and string, and tie securely.
11. Tie the loose end of the kite string on the roll, to the bridle, 10 inches down from end at the top of the vertical crosspiece.
12. Tie the strips of cloth together to form a tail for the kite 3 feet long. Tie the tail onto the bottom tip of the vertical crosspiece. Your fabulous kite is ready for flight.
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