Chihuahuas may develop several types of hair loss.
A Chihuahua may lose hair for many reasons. While some diseases are serious and hair loss may be just one symptom, many are not as great a concern.
Parasitic Causes
Parasitic infestations can commonly cause alopecia (hair loss). Sarcoptic mange is a cause of hair loss in Chihuahuas and all dogs. Caused by the sarcopes mite, this disease is also known as scabies and is zoonotic. Demodectic mange, caused by the demodex mite, can also cause hair loss, and typically affects areas around the eyes and head. Ringworm, named for the often ring-shaped pattern left on the Chihuahua, can cause hair loss at the site. An allergy to fleas may also cause a certain dermatitis that results in hair loss.
Other Causes
Stress and behavioral problems may also be the cause. Diseases such as neurodermatitis results in the dog constantly licking. The result is hair loss and a lesion may appear. Caused by stress factors such as anxiety or boredom, this behavior can become obsessive. Food and airborne allergens can also cause hair loss.
Pattern alopecia, also referred to as pattern baldness, commonly affects the backs of a Chihuahua's thighs and abdomen. Alopecia may also occur after clipping, injections or where a bow or other "accessory" is commonly placed. There is also a condition known as "severe hair loss syndrome" that affects many breeds of dogs, Chihuahuas included.
While there is generally no cure for the alopecia itself, treatments target the cause of the hair loss. A veterinarian will be able to determine whether the cause of the alopecia is life-threatening, a mild infection, allergies or behavioral.
For parasite-caused alopecia, many flea-and-tick preventatives can help the problem. You can also use dips, injections and oral medications. Finding the cause of the stress-induced alopecia can help stop the hair loss, and in the case of neurodermatitis, can help prevent the behavior from becoming obsessive. Allergic reaction-caused alopecia can often cease and the hair can start to grow back if the allergen is discovered and removed from the Chihuahua's atmosphere.
Often alopecia is purely cosmetic. To the dismay of many owners, especially those of show dogs, the hair may not grow back. A Chihuahua with alopecia may become more exposed to the elements depending on the size of the area of hair loss, and therefore you should take precaution.
Alopecia should always be evaluated by a veterinarian. Because there are so many causes for the symptom, doing your own diagnosis can be dangerous and even life-threatening to a Chihuahua. You should have a list of the symptoms the dog is showing, such as whether he has changed eating or sleeping habits, when the hair loss started, and if he is acting different in any way, to aid the veterinarian with a proper diagnosis.
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