Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hide Acne With Makeup

Keep your pimple out of plain sight with makeup.

Blemishes happen to everyone, but a standard pimple can turn into a nasty red spot on your face, either through its natural evolution or due to being picked at. It's best not to pop a zit, but if you've already done it, then you may need to cover it up. Fortunately, there's a simple method, using a few common beauty items, that will help turn that bulging blemish into a barely noticeable spot on your face.


1. Add a small dab of astringent to a cotton ball. Apply the cotton ball to the pimple to help reduce the excess moisture coming from the area.

2. Get concealer that matches your skin tone. Refrain from using concealer that's one shade lighter, as this may actually draw more attention to your pimple by highlighting it. It is worth noting, however, that using a lighter shade is practical when covering dark circles or varicose veins.

3. Dip one end of a cotton swab into your concealer. Apply it to your face with light dabbing motions. Do not dip the same end of this cotton swab back into your concealer, as this may cause the bacteria to spread through your makeup. If you need more concealer after your first several dabs, dip the other end of the cotton swab into the concealer.

4. Apply a generous amount of face powder to a clean makeup sponge. Apply the sponge to your face with a soft rolling motion until the entire blemish area is covered with powder. If you need to apply more powder, refrain from dipping your sponge back into your face powder case. Instead, throw it away, get a new sponge and repeat this step.

5. Get a powder foundation that matches your skin tone. Dip the brush into powder palette and swirl it around to pick up the powder. Tap the brush onto the edge of the palette to release excess powder. Apply the powder to your forehead by swirling the brush against your skin in a circular motion. Continue swirling the brush on your cheeks, chin and nose until you cover your entire face. Your pimple should now be covered.

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