Monday, May 27, 2013

Highlight Mediumcolored Hair In Your Own Home

Highlighting medium hair at home is fun and easy.

Highlighting your medium-colored hair can be a great way to get a sun-kissed look for the summer. However, the price of highlighting your hair at a salon every month can be expensive. By highlighting your hair in the comfort of your own home you not only get to have fun of doing your hair the way you want it, you also save money in the process.


1. Choose which color you would like for highlighting your hair. Look online or in magazines for models or celebrities with the same type of hair color as you who have highlights. Compare and contrast your top favorites until you can figure out which color would look best on you. If you are going for a natural sun-kissed look, professionals recommend choosing a shade that is just two shades lighter.

2. Buy a highlighting kit in the color of your choice. Grocery stores and shopping chains sell quality highlighting kits for an affordable price. Beauty product stores will also carry hair dyes, however, they may be more expensive.

3. Do not use shampoo or any other type of hair product in your hair on the day you decide to highlight you hair. These types of products can interfere with the chemicals or cause the color not to saturate well.

4. Mix the chemicals, following the directions carefully. Wear gloves at all times while handling the chemicals. If chemicals do come in contact with your skin, wash with soap and water immediately. If your kit does not come with gloves, use regular latex gloves.

5. Use the chemicals immediately after mixing. Start at the back of the head and take a strand of hair, any width you'd like, and completely saturate it using the brush that comes with the kit. Continue this process from the back of the head to the front so you don't re-dye already highlighted hair. If your kit doesn't come with a brush, use a flat acrylic art brush.

6. Keep the highlighting chemicals in your hair for the directed amount of time. Use a stop watch or timer to keep track of how long the color has been in your hair.

7. Thoroughly rinse your hair. If your kit comes with a conditioning packet use it to help increase the life of the color. If your kit does not come with a conditioning packet, follow the directions in the kit to know when to shampoo your hair.

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