Thursday, December 26, 2013

Creams To Slow Hair Regrowth

When used in between waxings, removals and shavings, there are several lotions that will slow hair growth. Many of these lotions will also make hair thinner and reduce its visibility. Results vary from person to person. Some people may experience irritation from products, so it is important to try a test patch especially if you have sensitive skin.

Aveeno Positively Smooth Moisturizing Lotion

Cheap in price and found at most drug stores, Aveeno's lotion will slow down hair growth if applied daily. It also will make your hair finer and softer. With soy being the main ingredient, it is a great long-lasting moisturizer as well. Skin tone and texture may also improve with use. Results vary and there is recommended time frame of four weeks to see results.

GiGi Slow Grow Maintenance Lotion and Keep it Bare

GiGi lotion inhibits keratization, therefore slowing hair growth. Use daily after showering by applying the lotion to areas where you want to slow growth. The product absorbs into skin instantly and is not greasy.

Keep it Bare works best if used consistently after body hair removal treatments from waxing to shaving. This natural product is made from fruit enzymes and will slow the re-growth of hair. It also is a great exfoliator, smoothing and moisturizing the skin. Apply daily after showering.

Results vary for both products and consistent use is the key. Results can be seen within one to two weeks.

Kalo Hair Inhibitor Lotion

Said to not only slow down hair growth but to stop it completely, Kalo stops the growth of unwanted hair at the root. Good for all parts of the body, it should stop 10 percent of unwanted hair from growing back when used after shaving or waxing. It also comes in a spray that is good for large areas. Kalo should be applied three times a day on the day of hair removal and three times the day after. Results will vary and less hair should grow back after two to three removal sessions.

Hair No More

In a Vanishing Creme, Spray and Gel, Hair No More slows growth and removes hair pain free. With Vitamin E, green tea and aloe, the two-step process produces results in one to three months with continuous use. Hair will become thinner and finer after a few uses. Start with the creme to remove hair and use the spray or gel to slow down hair growth. Results will vary for users.

Derma Nude Advanced Hair Retardant Gel

At 100 percent natural and clinically proven, Derma Nude Gel will smooth skin while slowing down hair growth at the root. Painless and safe for use in all areas, it should be applied right after hair removal twice daily for a week and then once daily after that. Works more quickly when applied after hair removal methods that remove hair from the root. Results vary and this product is 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed.

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