Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Beginning A Hair Shop Like A Small Inhome Business

Starting a small in-home hair business can be easier than you think. Starting a small in-home hair business can be a beneficial way to get ...

Fix Hair Pretty If You're A Teen

Fix your hair based on where you're going. Teenagers have beautiful, shiny hair even when it isn't entirely groomed. Whether you...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Instructions For Any Girl'S Hair Bows

Colorful ribbons can be turned into a girl's hair bow. Girls from toddlers to teens love to get dressed up and fix their hair. A pretty ...

Straighten My Hair To Really Make It Look Emo

Emo, short for "emotional," first described a type of music--sort of punk rock but with more "emotional" lyrics. Now, th...

Help Make Your Own Disney Princess Toy

Dolls patterned after the popular Disney Princess character line can be made using a variety of methods. Your own Jasmine, Aurora, Belle, Ci...

Clean Velvet Footwear

Velvet shoes add a touch of elegance While one of the most beautiful and elegant fabrics, velvet is one of the hardest to keep clean and in ...

Make Wrist Corsages Stepbystep

Wrist corsages are slipped over the hand, fitting snugly on the wrist. The photo looked perfect. The reality is that the groom was shaking a...