Yorkies, a favorite small breed of dog, are often adorned with hairbows.
Yorkshire Terriers are known for their small size, long, flowing coats and the ribbons with which their owners often decorate them. Some owners prefer taking their pet to a professional groomer, but preparing a Yorkie's hair for a ribbon can be done at home at a considerable savings. Doing your own grooming is also a way to bond with your pet. It requires a few basic tools found in any pet store and should take less than an hour.
1. Mist the dog's coat with dog conditioner. Conditioners vary by manufacturer, so select a brand suited for your Yorkie.
2. Brush the Yorkie's hair using a pin brush. Comb the hair with a wide-toothed comb to remove any remaining tangles.
3. Collect the hair from the outside corner of each eye. Pull and brush it back toward the center of the head, then secure the hair with a lightweight latex band.
4. Tie on the bow.
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