Inform yourself on identifying an authentic Vuitton from an imposter before purchase.
Louis Vuitton Malletier is a French luxury fashion house, designing leather goods, clothes, jewelry and accessories. The Louis Vuitton brand, along with their LV monogram, were listed as the 29th most valuable brand throughout the world, according to a study conducted by Millward Brown in 2010. Because of the status associated with the brand's image, Louis Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited brands within the fashion industry. According to The Times, 18% of counterfeit produced were fake Louis Vuitton items, specifically their monogram bags. While counterfeit bags are widely available and can resemble authentic bags, knowing tell a real Louis Vuitton from a knock off can assure a buyer of the product she's buying.
1. Observe the monogram placement, commonly known as the LV logo. The "V" should be slightly above the "L," with the "L" passing through the lower left-hand side of the "V." Louis Vuitton bags generally use one long piece of leather fabric for their bags, causing the monogram to be symmetrical from side to side.
2. Look at the stitching patterns throughout the Louis Vuitton bag. The designer bags are made with special care, having regular, even stitching throughout. The Speedy bag always has five stitches across the leather tab where it meets with the handle. Compare, if possible, two similar Louis Vuitton bags side-by-side to identify the number of stitches placed on the bag, observing if the stitching is the same for each bag.
3. Scan the bag in question for single-colored monograms or multi-color text. A Louis Vuitton bag with multi-colored monograms can be a sign the bag is fake, as only the Speedy 30 and Pochette Milla PM are multicolored. The Speedy 30 is identifiable as a Damier canvas bag with a rounded shape, specifically on the sides, and the Milla Pochette PM is a small, .7-inch by 3.7-inch by 6.1-inch pouch, identifiable for the refined metallic signature featured on the front upper center spot on the bag, and the golden chain attachment on both sides.
Backpacks, totes and vintage pieces should all feature a greenish-yellow coloring. The leather trim surrounding the bag should also have yellow stitching with a white authenticity card.The authenticity cards are a part of the care package that also includes an LV tag, neither of which are attached. They should be provided upon purchase by the sales associate, or along side the bag if purchased online. Any stitching that isn't yellow, or an authenticity card that is a color other than white, proves the bag is not authentic.
4. Observe the font located on the authenticity patch of the purse. Louis Vuitton uses only one specific font for all of their bags, with the lettering in all caps, same small spacing between letters, and very round "O"s. The text on the inside patch should be centered perfectly in the front upper section, with "Louis Vuitton" written on top, followed by where it was made, most commonly listed as Paris but can also be listed as USA, Switzerland, Germany, Italy or Spain.
5. Check for the asking price. Real Louis Vuitton bags, as of March 2011, were sold for at least $610, according to the Louis Vuitton official website. While pricing can range depending on if you're purchasing the bag at an outlet mall or pre-owned on trading sites, if the bag is real and in decent to good quality, expect to pay at least $450. Anything less than $300 is most likely fake.
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