Hair bow
Creating a hairbow can mean more than saving money on accessories. Tthe techniques used to craft bows can translate to lasting expressions of creativity. The possibilities for your creations are endless, as craft and hobby stores carry a vast variety of ribbon in textures and colors that rival their fabric counterparts. Fashioning the perfect bow to match any outfit is something that can be done in under 20 minutes.
Create a Hairbow
1. Take the 17-inch piece of ribbon and create a "figure eight" shape with it, by looping each end of the ribbon into a circle. Lay the ends on top of the ribbon at the halfway point of length, and fasten the ends to the middle with the hot glue gun.
2. Draw the middle part of each loop to the center of the figure eight and glue them down.
3. Take the 10-inch piece of ribbon and wrap it around the center of the constructed bow, tying into a knot at the back. Allow the excess ribbon to hang down. Trim the two excess ends by cutting them at the end of the ribbon at a diagonal.
4. Fasten the alligator clip to the back of the bow, using the hot glue gun to attach. Heat seal ribbon ends to prevent fraying by quickly running the lighter across the edges of hanging ribbon.
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