Learn keep your Yorkie's eyes free of hair.
One of the most beautiful traits of the Yorkshire breed is its long, flowing, silky coat. But as attractive as the Yorkie's luxurious coat can be, it does come at a price, since grooming is a must for this breed. If you own a Yorkshire terrier, you must learn, in particular, take care of the hair around the dog's eyes. This is not only for aesthetic reasons, but for your Yorkie's health as well. Stray hairs may get into its eyes, causing potential irritation or even infection.
1. Give your Yorkshire a bath so you can work with clean hair. Dry its coat with a blow dryer. Your Yorkshire's coat, once dry should be shiny, glossy and completely smooth.
2. Comb the hair around your Yorkshire terrier's face forward. Make sure you remove any knots and tangles and that the hair is smooth and shiny.
3. A Yorkshire terrier with hair trimmed around the eyes.
Select a section of hair if you are planning to make a topknot. If you only want to trim the hair without making a topknot, simply use the blunt baby scissors to cut bangs just above the eyes. This is called a "puppy cut."
4. Trim all the hair around the hair selected for the topknot. This should leave you only with a strand of hairs for your topknot.
5. Secure the hair in a ponytail and put on a bow.
Comb the hair upwards in a ponytail and secure with a small rubber band. Finish the hairdo by attaching a pretty bow to the hair. Your Yorkshire terrier 's eyes are now clear of hair and your Yorkie will also be able to see better.
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