Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Grow Nigerian Relaxed Hair

Condition your hair on a regular basis.

Nigerian hair in its natural state, like most people of African descent, have very tightly-coiled hair. When chemically relaxed, the hair lays flat and becomes permanently straight. The straightened hair can be worn in several versatile styles.

Relaxed hair can be grown very easily with proper care and quality products. In order to get Nigerian hair to grow long, it is very important to moisturize and protect the hair.


Grow Nigerian Relaxed Hair

1. Cut your ends on a regular basis. If you have split ends, they will continue to split up the hair shaft. Although you will initially lose some length, in the long run it will pay off because your hair will not continue to break off at the ends.

2. Limit the use hair products that use synthetic ingredients such as mineral oil. Mineral oil can be very damaging to the hair because it coats the hair and prevents moisture and conditioner from getting into the hair shaft. Hair will dry out and eventually break off at the ends without moisture.

3. Avoid heat when possible. Excessive heat will damage the hair by drying it out. For example, instead of curling hair with a hot curler, set it in rollers at night. If you must use heat, apply a protectant to hair before styling it with heat.

4. Use products that are packed with proteins to help make hair stronger so that it will resist breakage and condition it on a regular basis with a quality conditioner. Cheap conditioners are usually full of synthetic ingredients like mineral oil.

5. Avoid over processing your hair with the relaxer. Do not leave it on longer than necessary. This will not only dry out your hair, but it could cause your hair to fall out.

6. Use a wide tooth comb that will not pull or damage your hair. Combs with smaller teeth can pull on the hair and rip it out of the head or cause the ends to split.

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