Little girls enjoy their accessories every bit as much as big girls. Multi-loop hair bows are a wonderful way to dress up an outfit. They're easy enough to make that you can create one for any occasion your little girl can dream up. They take just a few supplies and very little time. Make it a mother-daughter project by letting your child have input.
1. Cut four pieces of ribbon 10 inches long.
2. Form the 10-inch ribbon pieces into four rings. Overlap the ends 1/2 inch. Hot glue the ends together.
3. Stand a ring like a wheel, with the seam on your work surface. Place a dot of hot glue inside the ring, on the seam. Press the top middle of the ring down to adhere to the glue. Repeat for the other three rings to form the loops.
4. Place a dot of hot glue on the center top of one loop. Position another ring on top, forming an X shape. Repeat for the other pair.
5. Place a dot of hot glue on the center top of an X loop. Position the other X loop, seam side down, on top of the hot glue.
6. Cut three pieces of ribbon 5 inches long.
7. Place a dot of hot glue in the center of one 5-inch piece of ribbon. Position another 5-inch piece of ribbon centered on the first, in a wide X shape.
8. Place a dot of hot glue on the top center of the 5-inch ribbon X. Position the stacked loops on top of the 5-inch X, with the legs of the X extending from the sides.
9. Remove the inner spring from the barrette. Place a dot of hot glue on the top center of the barrette. Position the multi-loop bow on top of the barrette.
10. Apply a dot of hot glue to the back of the barrette base. Place an end of the last 5-inch ribbon in the glue. Wrap the ribbon around the barrette and the multi-loop bow twice. Apply a dot of hot glue to the back of the barrette base and place the end of the ribbon wrap in the glue.
11. Pull, twist and arrange the loops on the multi-loop bow in a pleasing way. The wire edge of the ribbon will help with this. Cut each of the 5-inch ribbon ends at a slant.
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