Keeping your hair bows visible in a holder can show you your collection.
Loose hair bows can make any area look like a mess, and keeping them bunched together makes finding a specific bow tougher. But a holder for hair bows doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive and can keep the bows visible and tidy at the same time. You can make your own simple bow holder in minutes for just a few dollars from items you probably already have around the house.
1. Select a wooden picture frame or plaque you want to use to display with the bows. Ideally this frame or plaque will match the decor of the room in which you'll be hanging the bows. Place the frame on a flat surface with the front facing downward.
2. Measure and cut 5 strips of ribbon, each 2 feet long. Singe the cut edges of each ribbon quickly with a lighter to prevent fraying in the future. Set aside 2 of the ribbons.
3. Pair 3 ribbons together running vertically and turn them so the patterned side is facing down. Space the ends of the 3 ribbons evenly along the bottom edge of the picture frame, placing the top 2 inches of each ribbon over the frame. Insert 2 staples through the top of each ribbon to secure it to the frame.
4. Pair the remaining 2 ribbons vertically and turn the pattern to face down. Align the bottom 2 inches of these ribbons to the top edge of the frame with the ribbons set as close to each top corner as possible. Staple the ribbons to the frame.
5. Tie the loose length of the top 2 ribbons to one another to form a bow 4 to 6 inches above the upper edge of the frame. Clip off any excess of ribbon tails, if desired, after you have made the bow and singe any fresh edges. Flip the bow holder over.
6. Hang the tied bow on a hook or nail with the frame and bottom ribbons resting below it facing out. Slip bows onto the bottom ribbons and push them up toward the frame until each ribbon is full of bows. Turn the bows so the decorative side is facing out.
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