Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Clean Pee From The Bed mattress

Clean Pee From a Mattress

Cleaning urine from a mattress can be a daunting and inevitable task, especially if you have children in the house. But removing the urine can be very simple with a few household materials.


1. CLEAN THE EXCESS. As your first step, you will want to use a dry towel or paper towels to lift up as much excess urine as you can.

2. VINEGAR AND SOAP IT. You will need to mix a 2 to 1 ratio of vinegar and dishwashing soap (ex. 1cup vinegar, 1/2cup soap). Use a sponge to completely cover and saturate the urine stain.

Let it soak for about a half hour.

3. SOAK IT UP. Now use a clean, slightly wet sponge or a dry towel to soak up as much of the soap as possible. You may also use your vacuum to get some of the moisture out.

4. DRY IT OUT. Now you're left with a wet spot. Use your Baking Soda (or cornstarch/water) to cover the entire wet spot. I would suggest using Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda or one of their pet stain remover brands.

5. CONTINUE TO DRY. Let the baking soda sit on the spot until it dries. Baking soda soaks up moisture, so it will pull up any residue that is deep in the mattress.

6. VACUUM. After the baking soda dries, use a vacuum to get it off the mattress.

The mattress should be completely dry, but if not, reapply the baking soda to repeat step 4&5.

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