Thursday, March 28, 2013

Clean The Ears Of The Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu's flowing hair makes regular ear cleaning essential.

The Shih Tzu's drop-tipped, hair-laden ears give this dog breed a particularly luxurious appearance -- but they also make ear cleaning more challenging. Hair often grows along the edges of the ear canals, which may produce a moist, humid atmosphere conducive to bacteria and fungal infections, says Sharon Vanderlip, author of "Shih Tzus." In most cases, twice monthly ear cleanings are sufficient, but if your Shih Tzu has a history of ear infections or excessive earwax, you may need to clean the ears on a weekly basis. Always inspect your Shih Tzu's ears before cleaning; if you notice any redness, swelling or foul odors, arrange an immediate appointment with your veterinarian, as these signs could indicate a potentially serious ear infection.


1. Lift your Shih Tzu onto a sturdy, raised surface, such as a table or countertop. Have a helper grasp your Shih Tzu around its torso and chest to hold it in place. Lift one ear flap and dribble a short squirt of canine liquid ear cleaner into the ear canal. Lower the ear flap and talk soothingly to the dog as you gently rub the ear flap against the base of the ear using a circular motion for 30 to 60 seconds.

2. Lift the ear flap and insert a soft cotton cloth into the ear canal, swiping it gently against the exposed portions of the ear canal to remove the softened, wet earwax and dirt. Continue talking soothingly to your dog to help keep it calm and relaxed as you clean the ear.

3. Examine the ear to ensure that you've removed all of the dirt from the visible portions of the ear canal. If you still notice dirt in the hard-to-reach curves along the outer portion of the ear canal, squirt some of the ear-cleaning solution into a small paper cup and dip the end of a cotton-tipped swab directly in the liquid cleaner. Swipe the wet cotton-tipped swab through the curves of the ear cartilage to remove the remaining dirt, being careful to use the swab only on the outer edge of the ear canal.

4. Moisten a cotton ball with the ear-cleaning solution. Rub the cotton ball across the inside of the ear flap to remove any dirt present. Leave the ear flap up for several minutes to allow the ear to dry completely. Repeat the entire cleaning and drying process on the second ear.

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