index cards
Cheap business cards don't have to look cheap. In fact, there is no reason you should spend much money at all creating cards to hand out to potential clients. There are several websites dedicated to business card design, but you don't even need to go that far. This article explains how you can create your own, professional looking cheap business cards for much less money.
1. Find a professional looking picture of yourself. If need be, go have a head shot taken. Once you have one on your computer, minimize the picture until it is about 1 inch in height and width works well.
2. Print the picture on a piece of paper. You don't need it on the same page as your cheap business cards just yet. That comes later.
3. Open a word processing document and decide what color font you would like to use. Black works well. In fact, almost all dark shades look professional on cheap business cards.
4. Type your Business name on top. If you don't have a business name, type your full name. Then, press "Enter" once. Now type in the type of services you provide. For example if you are a writer, type, "Full service ghostwriter".
5. Click "Enter" twice. Then type your business address, phone number, and your email address. Each piece of information should go on a separate line on your cheap business cards.
6. Print the word processing document. Take that and your printed head shot to your nearest copy shop. Tape the picture to the right side of your contact information. Let the copy shop know you want the information centered on card stock the size of business cards. This is the easiest and cheapest way to make cheap business cards.
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