Making fancy pew bows isn't complicated.
You can make fancy pew bows without ever tying a bow. With the use of a glue stick and a roll of organza wire-edged ribbon, you can create pew bows that look professional in a minimal amount of time. The wire edges on the bows allow you to mold the bow loops so the bows remain perky and lovely long after the occasion has passed. Choose organza ribbon in your preferred colors from the selections offered at craft, sewing and many discount stores.
1. Cut one 5-inch-long piece of ribbon. Cut two 16-inch pieces of ribbon. Cut two 18-inch pieces of ribbon. Cut two 20-inch pieces of ribbon. Cut two 25-inch pieces of ribbon.
2. Set the two 25-inch pieces of ribbon aside.
3. Organza ribbon makes fancy pew bows.
Fold all other pieces of ribbon in half by aligning the ends. Use a glue gun to glue the ends of each piece together. After the glue has cooled, slightly twist or pinch the wires at the ends to look like the ribbon has been tied.
4. Place the two 10-inch-long loops (formerly 20-inch pieces of ribbon) side by side with one glued end slightly resting on top of the other glued end with the flat ribbon loop facing upward. Glue the ends together. From the side, your bow will look like a figure 8 with a glued center.
5. Place the two 9-inch-long loops (formerly 18-inch pieces of ribbon) on top of the glued-together bow from Step 4. Rest one twisted/glued end of one loop slightly on top of the other 9-inch loop’s ends. Glue together, and glue to the center of the bow beneath.
6. Make fancy pew bows from wired, organza ribbon.
Place the two 8-inch-long loops (formerly 16-inch pieces of ribbon) on top of the two glued bow layers. Glue the ends of the 8-inch-long loops together, and glue to the center of the bow layer beneath. Your bow now has three layers of glued loops.
7. Wrap the 5-inch piece of ribbon around the center of the glued loops. Turn the bow over and loosely roll the two ends of the 5-inch piece of ribbon together and glue to the back of the bow.
8. Twist the ends of the two 25-inch-long pieces of ribbon together. Glue the twisted ends to the center of the back of the bow.
9. Pew bows can decorate weddings or other events.
Measure around the end of the pew where the bow will be tied and add 2 inches to the measurement. Cut a piece of organza ribbon to this measurement.
10. Twist the ends together to form a large loop. Glue the twisted ends to the back of the bow. Slip the loop over the pew end. Mold the loops of the fancy pew bow with your hand by inserting your fingers into the bow and gently expanding your fingers. Shape the bows in a rounded loop.
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