Retail displays are one of the most effective marketing methods you can use in your store. A good display should be focused, eye catching and easy to understand. Fortunately, you do not need to use many props, signs or professional color schemes to meet these requirements. Here, we'll use digital cameras as an example of make a successful retail display from start to finish.
1. Identify your target. Using your promotional plan as a guide, consider the market you are trying to entice. For our digital camera example, we will target technologically savvy college students. These students usually have a good understanding of what they want but have a limited budget.
2. Decide main product placement. On the promotional space, decide where to place the main item. We will place a pyramid stack of three digital camera boxes in the rear center of a square table.
3. Choose accessories. Consider your target market and what type of accessories they will need. Our tech savvy college students will want memory cards and rechargeable batteries. We'll arrange these items on the front of the table.
4. Fill in white space. Leave some of the area free to prevent the display from appearing cluttered, but don't let it seem empty. We have empty space in the middle and back corner of our table, so we will fill it in with boxed items like camera care kits, mini tripods and small camera cases.
5. Add marketing materials. Just as you pick up magazines while waiting in a checkout line, waiting customers will be inclined to pick up brochures and skim through them. We have brochures on digital camera basics and an extended service plan, so we will place these in a fan style on the front corners of the table.
6. Add visual appeal. Dress up your display with a solid colored table cloth, balloons or reflective confetti. The product displayed will dictate what type of accents you use. We'll take down our camera display, cover the table with a red table cloth and reorganize the display.
7. Prep your employees. If your employees do not understand the function of the display, it will be absolutely useless. Our employees will be quizzed on digital camera information, the camera models that are directly above and below the display model in price point and which accessories best suit each model. They will also know the benefits, not just the features, of each camera.
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