Snow White's signature red hair ribbon can be made a couple of ways--as a headband or a hair clip. Either method is easy to do and can be accomplished in an hour or less. Once you've made a Snow White ribbon, you can apply this technique to making other ribbon clips and bands. These make adorable, inexpensive gifts for little girls.
Visual Resources
For maximum accuracy, look at images of Snow White. Notice that her hair ribbon is placed at the top of her head over a red headband. A headband-style ribbon is a more accurate choice than a hair clip-style ribbon, but either will achieve the Snow White look.
Start with a plain plastic or metal headband. These are available at discount stores, drugstores, beauty supply stores and craft supply stores. Purchase a length of 1-inch wide red ribbon, about 2 to 2 1/2 times the length of the headband. It's always good to have slightly more ribbon than you need. You will also need a glue gun or fabric glue and scissors to complete the project.
Cut a piece of ribbon the length of the headband plus 1 inch. Glue the ribbon over the top of the headband, wrapping the ends of the ribbon 1/2 inch underneath the ends of the band. Make sure to glue the ends securely. While the band is drying, create a bow by cutting a length of ribbon slightly more than double the width you want your bow to be. As a reference, Snow White's bow is about half the width of her head. Fold this piece of ribbon into a loop, overlapping the ends about 1/4 inch. Secure the loop with a dab of glue. Flatten the loop on your work surface with the smooth side facing up.
Cut another piece of ribbon 2 1/2 inches long. Place this piece over the center of the larger loop at a 90-degree angle. Secure it with a dab of glue so that it won't slide around. Wrap the ends of the small loop around the bottom of the large loop. Glue the ends together, overlapping them about 1/4 inch. Glue the bow to the top of the headband and allow to dry.
Hair Clip
Start with a 2-inch long metal, duck bill-style hair clip--the kind that opens up (like a duck) when you squeeze it at one end. These are available at beauty supply shops. Create the hair bow the same way as with the headband ribbon, but instead glue the bow to the top of the hair clip. Make sure to center the bow so the clip is fully concealed.
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