Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Make Headbands In Your Own Home

Recycle your fabric scraps into headbands.

Headbands provide a quick way to accessorize your hair to match an outfit, and hold your hair back and away from your face. Make inexpensive headbands at home by using fabric from your scrap basket or recycling old clothing. Make headbands for a beginner sewing project or as a teen activity for a slumber party. They are economical take-home favors and several headbands can be created in an hour. Sew an abundance of scrap fabric headbands as low-cost or no-cost craft show bestsellers.


1. Cut a strip of fabric 3 inches wide by 18 inches long.

2. Fold the strip in half with the right sides facing in, and the long edges matching. Pin the long edges together. Sew the pinned long edge using a one-quarter inch seam allowance. Do not sew the short ends closed.

3. Turn the tube right side out and press. Fold in each short end to the inside of the tube one-half inch. Press the folded ends.

4. Cut a 4-inch length elastic. The elastic will show on the finished headband; for a professional finish, choose white elastic to go with light-colored fabric headbands and black elastic to go with dark-colored headbands.

5. Insert one end of the elastic one-half inch into one end of the fabric headband tube. Pin through the fabric and the elastic to hold. Insert the other end of the elastic into the other end of the headband in the same way. Do not twist the band.

6. Stitch across each pinned end of the headband one-eighth inch from the edge. Stitch along each long edge of the headband one-eighth inch from the edge.

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