Monday, February 3, 2014

Make Rhianna In "The Sim cards 2"

Rather than create a regular Sim, mold one to look like the pop star Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga dresses in often bizarre and unusual outfits in music videos and in public. Many of her clothing choices captured the attention of the press. While your Sim won't have the paparazzi following her, by selecting the appropriate attire and features, the Sim resembles the pop star. After you create the Sim, build up creativity points and find a job as a musician to fill the role more completely. It's impossible to perform actual concerts in the game, but you can play for friends at parties.



1. Insert "The Sims 2" disc into the computer. Wait one minute for the launcher to appear. Click on the word "Play" on the launcher to enter the game. The game plays a start-up animation, shows a loading screen and then takes you to the neighborhood screen.

2. Click on icon displaying a group of people and a plus sign in the lower left-hand corner of the screen to enter the menu to create the Sim..

3. Type a last name into the name bar such as "Gaga." Type "Lady" or "Lady Gaga" in the first name box.

4. Click the female symbol to make the Sim a woman. Click the fourth icon on the age bar to make the Sim an adult. Select a thin body type with peach skin. Select the face that resembles Lady Gaga. Look for a somewhat square-like shape.

5. Click on the hair color. Click on the lightest shade of blond. Scroll through the hairstyle selection. The amount of hairstyles available depends on the expansions installed. The most outrageous hairstyles come with "The Sims 2 University." Click on the hairstyle you want. Lady Gaga wears her hair in a variety of styles, including loose and up-dos. For example, if you have "The Sims 2 University" installed, look for the hairstyle featuring a loop sticking out of a ponytail.

6. Scroll through the facial features. Click on the brown eye color.

7. Click on the clothing tab. Scroll through the clothing to find an outrageous outfit. The more expansions installed, the more clothing options available. In the shirt category, for example, choose the black tank with a sheer fabric over the upper arms and chest or the strapless hot pink shirt. The hot pink pants or jean cutoff shorts work well. If "The Sims 2: Nightlife" is on the computer, select one of the neon crop top and short outfits. The pink leopard print cut out dress also suits Lady Gaga.

8. Set up the personality of Lady Gaga by clicking on the bars on the meters. Put several points into "Active" and "Outgoing." Being active will help keep her in shape. Points in the "Outgoing" category aids in social interactions. Creativity comes in the form of skill points gained through activities.

9. Click the checkmark to save the Sim when finished. Click on Lady Gaga in the families bar and drag her to a house.


10. Click on the chair icon at the top of the menu in the lower left-hand corner. Click on the table icon, and then the desk icon. Place the desk in the house.

11. Click on the arrow next to the chair icons to return to the main store box. Click on the chair icon in the box. Click on a chair and place behind the desk where the Sim sit.

12. Click the arrow to return to the main store menu. Click on the remote icon. Click on the computer icon. Click on the computer you want to buy and place it on the desk. Click on the round icon of two people in the menu in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

13. Click on the computer. Click "Find a Job." Scroll through the jobs available to find a job in "Music." If the job doesn't appear, check the computer every day until it appears.


14. Click on the chair icon in the lower left-hand corner of the menu to entire the store screen.

15. Click on the easel icon. Scroll through the items until you find instruments. The instruments available depend on the expansions you have. The drums, for example, only come with "The Sims 2: University." The piano comes with "The Sims 2." Click on the item you want to buy. Place it in the house. Click on the icon of the two people.

16. Click on the instrument. Tell Lady Gaga to practice playing it. As she practices, she earns creativity points. The more creativity points she earns, the better her music sounds.


17.Click on the Sims that come to the door or walk by the house to greet them. Sims come to the property for various reasons.

18. Talk to the Sim. Once the Sim gains a few relationship points with Lady Gaga (gained through talking), the option appears to talk to the Sim about jobs and hobbies. Click on the option. Lady Gaga will discuss her job and creativity with the Sim.

19. Purchase a phone from the store menu. Click on the phone to call people Lady Gaga knows. The more people she talks to, the more friends she has. She needs the friends in order to receive promotions at work.

20. Click on the phone and select "Throw Party." Guests will come over to the house. Play the instruments in the house to perform for the guests.

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