Create monogram ribbons for an elegant touch.
Monogrammed ribbons look classy and expensive. You can purchase pre-monogrammed ribbons from a store for a high price, but you can make your own monogrammed ribbons at home for much less. There are two ways to monogram ribbons. Monogram fuzzy ribbons using the heat method and monogram all other ribbons using the stamping method. Make sure the ink used contrasts with the ribbon color or else it will blend in to the fabric. Tie the monogrammed ribbon into a bow when finished to complete the look.
Velvet Ribbons
1. Cut the ribbon to the desired length, at least as long as the stamp you want to use for monogramming. Make sure the ribbon is a little wider than the height of the stamp.
2. Heat the iron to the "cotton" setting, or the highest heat setting. Place the stamp, stamp side up on a book or piece of scrap wood. Place the wood on an ironing board.
3. Place the ribbon, fuzzy side down over the stamp. Press the iron over the ribbon for 30 seconds. Make sure that the solid bottom of the iron touches the ribbon or else the monogram will be uneven and spotty.
4. Repeat the process for any other monogramming you want to do on the same ribbon. The heat from the iron will fuse the design of the stamp onto the ribbon.
Other Ribbons
5. Choose ribbons a little wider than the stamp you want to use. Iron the ribbons to make them perfectly flat.
6. Ink the monogrammed stamp that you want to use. Make sure the ink is evenly distributed.
7. Place a scrap paper under the ribbon. Press the stamp over the ribbon and hold for about 10 seconds. Rock the stamp back and forth slightly to transfer all of the dye to the ribbon. Lift the stamp straight up so you keep the edges of the stamped design sharp. Allow the ink to dry for at least five minutes before using.
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