You can make a beaded kitty bracelet using round crystal beads and colored seed beads.
You can use simple beadweaving techniques to make three-dimensional beaded charms. A Hello Kitty charm bracelet is just one of many possible projects using these techniques.The main technique you use to make this charm is right angle weave, a simple and versatile bead weaving stitch. In right angle weave, you build up a pattern by making loops of four or five beads. You can use large seed beads for this pattern, but if you use transparent crystal glass or plastic beads your charm will really sparkle.
1. String three pink and two blue beads. Center these on the thread. Pass one end of the thread back through the first of the pink beads to make a circle. The threads are now crossed inside the crystal bead, with one thread exiting one one side and the other exiting on the opposite side. This forms Hello Kitty's ear.
2. String two pink and one crystal beads on the leftmost thread. On the right, string a blue bead. Cross the threads through the crystal bead. String one black bead on the right thread, two pink and one crystal on the left. Cross the threads inside the crystal bead.
You have now a portion of the face, with the black bead forming one eye and the blue bead forming a section of the hair bow.
3. Work the face in right-angle weave using crystal beads for the main color. Use another black bead to form the other eye and a red bead for the nose. Four blue beads, including those strung already, form the hair bow. The pink beads form the border. Remember to add an extra pink bead, as in your first loop, to make the other ear.
4. Turn the piece over. Using right-hand weave as before, add a second layer of beads corresponding to the first, except for the pink border beads. This gives your piece a three-dimensional shape. If you prefer, you can work this second layer just in crystal beads.
Tie off the threads in a square knot and seal with superglue or lacquer.
5. Cut a section of beading elastic. Thread one end through the middle bead of the kitty motif. String six to eight inches of crystal beads (depending on your hand size) and tie off.
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