Friday, September 13, 2013

Decorate A Bow

There’s just something about a bow that just brings things to life. Whether it is a bow that is perfectly placed on top of a present or wrapped around a tree outside the home of a soldier, a bow grabs attention and adds emphasis. A bow seems to symbolize happiness, excitement or even hope.There are many different uses for bows. And you can decorate everything from cars to candle sticks with bows.


Gathering the Materials

1. “Gathering” the Materials: Take the eucalyptus, swirling ribbon, and twigs and gather them together. Place a rubber band around the top where they are gathered to hold them in place.

2. Making the Wreath: Take the shiny ribbon and tie it around the gathered bunches and make a knot. It should be close to the rubber band. Make a bow. Wrap it around again and make another bow. Repeat the same process with the sheer ribbon.

3. Once you have made two bows with each ribbon, position the bows into a full, rounded blossom. This should be simple since the sheer ribbon is wired. This will add support and make the ribbon easier to manipulate into the desired position.

4. Place on Door: Place the hanging grapevine and bow wreath on the front door making sure that it is positioned so that the bow will not be destroyed when the door is opened and closed.

5. Add bows to Outdoor Structures: Take bows that match the colors of the wreath for the front door and tie them in various places around the outside of the house. For instance, the handrails on the porch’s steps, the window boxes under the windows, or around the mailbox at the end of the driveway. Wherever you think a bow would make a nice accent.

6. Add Accent Bows: Tie smaller bows to trees and bushes in the yard. Using the shiny ribbon for this is a good idea for accent and to bring it all together.

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