Earn some cash by selling your hair online.
If you need to raise some cash, you could try selling your hair online. Some websites will pay hundreds of dollars for high-quality hair. Often, the hair is used to make wigs or hair extensions, or it is used in artwork.
1. Grow out your hair and avoid any chemical treatments including dyes and perms. Untreated hair often brings in more money. You need at least 10 inches of hair, but you can make more money for longer lengths.
2. Take pictures of your hair while it is still attached to your head. List these pictures at reputable hair trading sites.
3. Set a reasonable price for your hair. Nice quality blond or red hair can fetch hundreds to thousands of dollars. Check out other people's listings and see what the market price is.
4. Arrange to have your hair washed and then cut, after your receive payment. Send the hair to the buyer in a tight ponytail.
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