Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Put Ponytails On The Dog

Ponytails are a great way to enhance your dog's look. They also serve a practical purpose by keeping the dog's bangs out of their eyes.

Putting a ponytail into your dog's hair is relatively simple. The hard part is getting the dog to sit still for it, which may take bribery with treats and some training to get the dog used to the treatment and grooming. Once the animal is calm, all your need is the ponytail holder and a brush.


1. Sit the dog down and wait until it calms down. A rowdy dog is likely to pull out hair or to jerk away before you can complete the grooming session. Brush the dog's hair so that it's smooth and pliable.

2. Brush the hair you want to use for the ponytail up and into your free hand. Gather the hair into a tail and hold it gently.

3. Put down the brush. Pick up the ponytail holder and stretch it out with your thumb and forefinger. Pull the tail of hair through the ponytail holder. If there's still room then twist the ponytail holder so that it's in a figure 8 with the one side filled with the tail, and pull the tail through the now open side. Pull the tail apart at the ends to force the ponytail holder together at the base of the ponytail.

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