Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Activities For Any Hello Cat Birthday Celebration

Planning a Hello Kitty birthday party can be a lot of fun; her wholesome goodness and colorful world make for a festive party environment. Fortunately, there are several activities and games that children can play---such as Pin the Bow on Hello Kitty and making Hello Kitty art---in keeping with the theme.

Pin the Bow on Hello Kitty

This game is a variation of the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey game. You can make this game yourself. Purchase a sheet of white poster board and a sheet of green poster board. Make a Hello Kitty face shape from the white board, sketch it with pencil on the backside until you're comfortable with the shape and then cut it out. Glue it onto the green poster board and then use a black permanent marker to trace the edges, then to draw in the eyes, nose and whiskers. Hello Kitty doesn't have a mouth. Decorate the green areas with pink polka dot stickers, if you wish. Use red construction paper to create several hair bows, one for each guest. Hang the poster on the wall, low enough that the majority of your guests can reach. When it comes time to play, blindfold guests one by one and spin them in three circles before allowing them to approach the wall to "pin" their bow into place. Use thumbtacks or push pins if you want, but a loop of scotch tape is better for your walls.

Make Hello Kitty Art

Each child can make a Hello Kitty garden stake. Online craft suppliers and your local craft store sell pre-cut wooden shapes and doweling that can be used as a garden stake. Have each child paint their flower pink and the stem green. Once the paint is dry, have an adult go over the edges with a permanent marker and fill in the center with white paint. Once all of the paint is dry, spray a shellac or lacquer over it to seal it. Do this activity early in the party, so that the paint is dry by the time children leave.

Decorating Hello Kitty Cookies

Hello Kitty enjoys eating cookies and her twin sister Mimmy enjoys baking them. Your party guests may enjoy decorating the cookies. Bake several sugar cookies and prepare a decorating area with several colors of frosting and heart-shaped sprinkles. Colored sugar can look like glitter. To make the glitter, simply add food coloring to granulated sugar. You can also use plain white sugar for an iridescent sparkle. Sprinkle it onto frosted cookies or dip them in the sugar for a sparkly treat.

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