Thursday, March 27, 2014

Harden Bows

Hardening a hair bow will prevent it from drooping.

Hardening bows is a technique performed for both hair and decorative bows. Ribbon and other fabrics tend to droop, but stiffening sprays and solutions can provide a lift. Hardening also provides a layer of protection for your bows. However, once bows are hardened, laundering or rain can diminish the solution and it must be re-applied. The process can be accomplished in a matter of minutes.


1. Place a piece of newspaper on a table or flat surface. Place bows on the surface and apply stiffening spray to the bows. Allow bows to dry before wearing or decorating.

2. Purchase a can of spray starch or make your own. Place 1 tbsp. of corn starch in a bowl with 1/4 cup of cold water. Mix well. Put 3 3/4 cup of water in a saucepan, place on stove and heat to boiling. Add cornstarch mixture and stir. Turn off stove, remove saucepan and allow mixture to cool. Pour cooled liquid starch in a spray bottle and apply to bows.

3. Take a foam paint brush and soak with fabric stiffening liquid. Place bows on a piece of newspaper covering a table or flat surface. Brush stiffening liquid on bows. Allow to dry according to manufacturer instructions.

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