Fill your pinata with candy and small toys and kids will love trying to break it open.
A pinata is a fun way to get kids involved at a birthday party or any special event. Pinatas are generally filled with candy or small toys and kids will love it when the pinata bursts open and the treats come pouring out. Blindfold each child before he takes his turn to add more of a challenge to hitting the pinata. Pinatas are traditionally a Mexican custom, and they can be shaped in any way you like.
1. Make the papier mache paste. Mix together the flour and water until it is the consistency of glue. Blow up the balloon and tie the end.
2. Cut the newspaper into strips and dip them into the papier mache mixture, saturating them. Lay the paper strips on the balloon until it is completely concealed with the exception of one small square (about 2 inches) at the top of the balloon. Let the balloon dry, and then repeat the papier mache process two more times.
3. Poke the balloon, pop it and pull it out of the square. Decorate the pinata using crepe streamers of different colors, paint, markers, glitter or stickers.
4. Fill the balloon with small toys and individually wrapped candies. Using a hole puncher, make two holes in the top and thread the string through it.
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