Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Make Boutique Bows For Young Girls

Hair bows are featured accessories in many girls' wardrobes.

Ribbon bows are a classic accessory for young girls. You can coordinate them with outfits, holidays, organizations and celebrations. Because they can incorporate into an endless number of ensembles, many girls want an endless supply of ribbon accessories. Boutique hair bows carry hefty price tags, but you do not need to spend big bucks to get a striking bow. The necessary supplies cost pennies. With the right techniques and a few tricks, you can craft a full wardrobe of boutique-style hair bows.


1. Hold the grosgrain in your hands. Measure 5 inches from one end of the ribbon. Fold the ribbon over on itself at the 5 inch mark.

2. Measure 5 inches from the folded end. Fold the ribbon under at the 5 inch mark. You should now have a three-layer stack of 5 inch ribbon segments at one end of the grosgrain.

3. Repeat the process until you have a 5 inch long stack of ribbon folded in six layers. Pinch the middle of the stack between your thumb and index finger.

4. Spread the two loops and one loose end on each side of the stack with your fingers to make a bow shape. Continue pinching the ribbon to secure the arrangement.

5. Lay the craft wire over the middle of the ribbon arrangement. Wrap the wire around the middle of the bow to cinch and secure it. Wrap the wire until you have coiled all of it around the center of the bow.

6. Trim the raw edges of the ribbon at a diagonal or an inverted V-shape.

7. Strike a lighter or move a lit candle in front of you. Run the trimmed edges over the open flame to seal the ends and prevent fraying. Extinguish the flame once you finish sealing the ribbon.

8. Apply a silk flower or rhinestone to the center of the bow with hot glue, to embellish the bow and obscure the craft wire.

9. Apply a dime-sized bead of hot glue to the underside of the bow. Press the bow to the top of the French pinch barrette.

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