Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Birthday Celebration Games With Hello Cat Styles

Treating the birthday girl to a themed party pays homage to her interests.

Hello Kitty is a character whose themed parties are built around the famous white kitty with the big pink bow. Hello Kitty birthday themes often include items such as Hello Kitty-shaped cakes, decorations and games that feature Hello Kitty and her many accessories -- including food, bows, combs and other kitty-related paraphernalia.

Hello Kitty Whiskers

Before the party, place a number of kitty items into a white pillowcase. These can include a stuffed kitty, a hair bow, a can of cat food or a ball of yarn. Tie the top of the pillowcase closed so the items won't fall out. Give guests a pen and pencil and allow each to feel the items through the outside of the pillowcase. Instruct guests to write down their best guesses regarding the items in the bag and then take turns reading the lists out loud. The guest with the most correct guesses receives a prize.

To Tell a Truth

Each player in this game cuts a length of string off of a ball of yarn. Players take turns telling truthful tales about themselves while winding the string into a ball as they talk. This is an icebreaker game, allowing guests to get to know each other. Part of the fun of the game is watching guests try to wind a ball of string while concentrating on the story line.

Hello Three-Legged Kitty

Ask guests to choose a partner and have them both face the same way and stand next to one another. Tie each pair's ankles together with an oblong piece of cloth or string and give each team a Hello Kitty doll. Teams must hold hands while also holding the Hello Kitty doll throughout the entire game. Racing to a determined point, the fastest team crossing the finish line with their Hello Kitty doll still in hand (or hands, as the case may be) wins the race.

Hold the Kitty

Gather several Hello Kitty balls. Ask guests to choose partners and place the balls between their foreheads. The moderator gives commands such as, "Jump!" or "Bend down!" or "Three paces to the right!" The team who keeps the ball off the floor for the longest amount of time is declared the winner.

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