Monday, November 18, 2013

Color Hair Pink

If you're looking for a fun change for your 'do, consider dyeing it a bright color like pink. Dyeing your hair pink is quite similar to dyeing your hair any other color with one exception: if you're not a natural white-blonde, you'll have to bleach your hair first. Even people with a sandy, ash or dark blonde will have to bleach their hair. After bleaching, the color will "stick" better, giving you a perfectly bright pink head of hair.


1. Put on a pair of plastic or latex gloves to prevent staining. You should also wear old clothing to prevent ruining your good clothes.

2. Pour the powdered hair bleach into a bowl. Most hair bleaching kits will come with a bowl, spoon and peroxide. However, if yours didn't, you can use any plastic bowl at home.

3. Mix the peroxide into the bowl with the bleach. Stir the mixture well so there are no lumps.

4. Apply the bleach solution to your hair. Ensure you thoroughly saturate your hair to avoid streaks. Keep the hair bleach in your hair for the amount of time listed in the instructions. Never leave hair bleach on longer than specified--the bleach can burn your scalp.

5. Thoroughly rinse your out, then allow it to air dry.

6. Get your hair dye ready. Some semi-permanent dyes are ready to be applied to your hair. Other permanent dyes need to be mixed with the dye activator--sold with the hair dye. In that case, pour the dye into the activator's bottle. Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients.

7. Apply the hair dye to your whole head. Ensure that you completely saturate your entire head for an even tone.

8. Leave the hair dye on for the amount of time listed in the instructions. For deeper, brighter color, leave the hair dye on for an additional 10 minutes.

9. Rinse your hair out thoroughly under lukewarm water. When the water runs clear, your hair will be ready. Keep in mind that you not want to rinse your hair with shampoo. The shampoo may strip out some of the color initially.

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