A big bow tie is a nice addition to a plain clown costume.
Add an oversized bow tie to a pair of oversized pants and a bright shirt for an instant clown costume. Make the tie in a brightly colored polka dot or striped print. You can make the tie in under 30 minutes with less than half a yard of fabric. This easy costume is appropriate for children and adults.
1. Measure your neck and add 1/2 inch to the measurement. Cut a piece of 1-inch elastic this length.
2. Overlap the ends 1/2 inch to form a neckband. Machine sew the ends together.
3. Cut a 13-by-17-inch rectangle of fabric. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise with the right sides together. Sew along one end and the long side with a 1/2-inch seam allowance. Turn the bow tie right-side out.
4. Iron the bow tie flat with the seams along the edges. Fold the ends of the tie in to the center. Overlap the end with the seam over the end with the raw edge. Hand baste through all the layers of fabric along the over lap with 1/4-inch basting stitches. Basting stitches are large running stitches. Running stitches are the name of the typical in-and-out stitches you use to sew a straight seam by hand. Pull the thread to gather the tie into a bow-tie shape.
5. Cut a strip of fabric 5 inches wide and 7 inches long. Fold it in half lengthwise and sew it up in the same way you sewed the bow tie. Turn the strip right side out.
6. Place the neckband behind the bow and wrap the strip around the center of the bow and the elastic. Sew the end of the strip with the seam over the end with the raw edge. The strip should be tightly wrapped around the bow; you may have to cut the strip shorter before you sew it.
7. Pull the elastic over your head to wear the tie.
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