Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Create A Cork Screw Hair Bow

Create corkscrew hair bows to match your daughter's latest outfit or add a corkscrew hair bow to birthday gifts, holiday gifts or party favors for just a few dollars. Purchasing corkscrew bows in stores or online can get expensive, but making your own bows allows you to create exactly what you want for a fraction of the cost. Check clearance bins and sales for discounted ribbons and consider sharing various sizes of wooden dowels with neighbors, relatives or friends.


1. Purchase supplies and prepare wooden dowels. Look for 1/4-inch ribbon, metal hair clips and 1/4-inch wooden dowels at your local craft or hardware store. Gather thread, binder clips and your hot glue gun from around the house. Using a binder clip, attach one end of the ribbon to the wooden dowel. Wrap the ribbon around the wooden dowel in a spiral and secure at the bottom with a second binder clip. Try six wooden dowels for a medium full bow.

2. Put wooden dowels on a cookie sheet and in the oven. Bake for about 20 minutes at 250 degrees. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely. Take the binder clips off the wooden dowels and carefully unwrap the ribbon from the dowel.

3. Cut a piece of strong thread to assemble the bow. Consider using fishing string or another strong type of thread. Measure about 12 inches to ensure enough thread and cut. Gather the ribbons in a bundle, mixing the colors. Find the center of the gathered ribbons and tie a secure knot. Wrap and tie a second knot, securing the ribbons.

4. Assemble the hair bow. Line up the metal clip and hair bow before adding hot glue to ensure the ribbons cover the clip. Add a small amount of hot glue to the hair bow and attach to the metal clip. Hold in place until the glue dries. The alignment doesn't have to be perfect as long as the ribbon covers the metal clip.

5. Touch up the bow. Cut any frayed or uneven edges after the glue has dried. Trim the ribbons to the desired length. Consider sealing the ribbons' edges to prevent frayed ends by holding cut edges near an open flame until the ends slightly melt--this works with acrylic ribbon.

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