Make Small Baby Hairclips
Sometimes even the smallest of babies have hair long enough to get in their eyes. Not all moms like the big, fluffy bows available at many retailers. They want something simple and sweet. With small baby hair clips, you can create a clip for each of your daughter's outfits and still be able to see that cute face. There are different types of clips available for baby girls. There are large bow clips, "korker" curls, "bubble" bows and snap-clip bows. The simplest and best for small babies are the "bubble" bows and snap-clip bows.
1. Lay your ruler flat on your work surface. If using a snap clip, skip the first three steps. If using a single-pronged alligator clip, measure 6-3/4 inches of the grosgrain ribbon. Cut in half, so you have two equal-length strips. Lightly run the ends of your ribbon through your lighter flame to prevent fraying.
2. Put a dot of hot glue on one end of one length of ribbon and press it under the pincher end of your alligator clip. Squeeze a line of glue halfway down the underside of the length of ribbon. Run the glue gun down the line of glue to flatten it out. Press the ribbon onto the alligator clip. There will be a bit of ribbon hanging off the end.
3. Open your alligator clip and hold open. Squeeze glue under the remaining length of ribbon, and run your glue gun along the line to flatten it out. Fold the remaining ribbon onto open prong of alligator clip. One half of your clip is lined. Repeat for the other half of the clip.
4. Measure 6 inches of your ribbon and cut. Burn ends to prevent fraying. Dot a bit of glue on one end of the ribbon and fold the other end around and press onto the dot of glue, forming a circle when you look at the ribbon from the side. Cut 7/8 inch of the ribbon and burn the ends to prevent fraying. Dot glue on one end and press that end on the underside of the circle. Once glued, it should look like a "T" on a circle. Press the circle closed at the middle, where the other piece of ribbon is glued. Fold the second piece of ribbon around and glue it to the other end. You've made a bow.
5. Run a line of glue down your covered alligator clip and press the bow, seam-side down, onto the glue. Your clip will be complete when the glue dries. If using a snap clip, squeeze a dot of glue onto the small end of the snap clip, then a larger dot of glue on the larger end. Press and hold the bow onto the snap clip until dry. Your baby hair clip is complete.
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