You can make your own ribbon rosettes to use on a hair bow or a dress.
Shabby ribbon rosettes are often used to decorate hair bands or clothing, but can often be pricey if you purchase premade rosettes from a fabric store. One solution is to make the shabby rosettes yourself using a few materials that you can purchase inexpensively at a craft store. Making your own rosettes out of the basic materials will enable you to produce even more ribbon rosettes than you could buy using the same amount of money.
1. Cut a piece of 1/2-inch-wide shabby ribbon with scissors to measure 8 inches long. Shabby ribbon is manufactured to look worn and tattered.
2. Insert one end of the ribbon into the fork of a rose tool, which resembles a large sewing needle with a broken-off eye. You can find a rose tool at a craft supply store. Push the end of the ribbon 1 inch beyond the fork.
3. Apply a dot of craft glue onto the tip of the ribbon end that you pushed through the fork. Twist the rose tool twice so that the glued tip of the ribbon is curled up into the length of the ribbon. This will secure the center of the rose once the glue dries.
4. Fold the length of the ribbon backward, which will create a fold. Turn the rose tool once to twist the folded ribbon once around the fork.
5. Apply a dot of craft glue onto the base of the ribbon, then fold the length of the ribbon backward again. Turn the rose tool again to twist the folded ribbon once around the fork. The craft glue will hold the folded ribbon in place, once it dries completely. Repeat this process until the entire length of the ribbon has been glued and folded into a rose. Allow the rose to dry completely for 2 hours.
6. Slide the ribbon rose off the fork of the rose tool for use in your craft project.
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