To make cheerleading tryouts and become a member of the cheerleading squad, you will need to plan ahead. The best way to avoid freezing up or making mistakes on tryout day is to be prepared. Most squads hold a preliminary meeting for those that are cheerleading hopefuls. This usually happens about a month before the actual cheerleading tryout date.
Make Cheerleading Tryouts
1. Watch the current squad by going to games and events where your school squad performs. This will give you a good idea of what to look forward to. You will learn what skills and abilities will be required of you as well as how you will be expected to dress and act during an event.
2. Meet the coach and introduce yourself. Tell her that you are interested in joining the team and ask if there are any tips she can give you to help you prepare.
3. Start training your body for the rigorous athletic schedule of a cheerleader. Cheerleading is an aerobic sport and you must get your body used to all the physical fitness that is required. The earlier you begin to train your body, the more ready it will be to impress your coach at tryouts.
4. Dress in comfortable workout clothing in school colors. Make sure you are wearing supporting sneakers and that all your attire is clean and presentable. A nice touch would be to add a spirit ribbon or bow in your hair in school colors as well.
5. Perfect your tryout routine. You may be taught an impromptu cheer by current cheerleaders, or you may have to bring in your own original cheer. Either way, focus your energy on the parts you can do well and keep a smile on your face at all times.
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