Korker bows use a spiral shaped ribbon.
Korker ribbon hair bows are best worn by young girls. They can be worn for sports teams, parties or for an ordinary day. Making your own korker ribbon hair bows requires a little bit of time, cooking utensils and a variety of different colored hair ribbons. It is best to make one large batch at a time rather than just making one or two ribbons. You can make a bow completely out of korker ribbons or use korker ribbons to accent a bow your already have.
1. Choose the colors of ribbon you want to use for your batch and preheat your oven to 275 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Secure the end of one ribbon to the top of a wooden dowel using a clothes pin. Slowly turn the dowel to tightly wrap the ribbon all the way down the dowel. Secure the ribbon at the other end of the wooden dowel with another clothes pin and cut off the extra ribbon.
3. Repeat step two for as many different colored ribbons as you want. You need to prepare at least five dowels to make one korker ribbon bow. Don't be afraid to mix colors.
4. Place all the ribbon-wrapped wooden dowels on a cookie sheet covered in aluminum foil and bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Pull the ribbons out and allow them to cool completely.
5. Remove the clothes pins on each wooden dowel and unwrap each ribbon from the dowel. They will now be permanently curly. Cut each ribbon to three inches long and line them up in front of you. String your thread through the needle and tie a knot at the end of the thread.
6. Poke the needle through the middle of each korker ribbon. Pull all the pieces to the end of the knotted thread. Push the needle back through the other side of the ribbons. Make sure to not go through the hole you make the first time. Pull the thread tight and remove the needle.
7. Tie the ends of the thread in a tight double knot. Use the extra thread to tie the tied ribbons onto a barrette or hair tie of your choice to complete your korker hair ribbon bow.
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