Monday, August 19, 2013

Make Pompoms & Bows For Footwear

Use cheerleader pom-poms as inspiration for shoe embellishments.

Instead of purchasing embellishments for your shoes, sneakers or even roller skates, use some extra craft supplies you may have lying around the house to make your own. Use colors that match your favorite outfits, costumes or school colors to enhance the look of your cheerleading uniform. Adapt the shoe crafts for hair bows or pom-poms to tie the look together by adding clips or ponytail holders.


Shoe Pom-Poms

1. Wrap yarn around the entire length of a piece of poster board that is 2 inches by 5 1/2 inches. Ensure that when you wrap the yarn around, each loop is touching the one before it to completely cover the poster board.

2. Cut the yarn from the yarn ball and tuck the end into the yarn wraps on the poster board. Cut another piece of yarn approximately 12 inches long.

3. Bend the piece of poster board lengthwise to create a tunnel underneath the wrapped yarn and thread one end of the 12-inch piece through the tunnel. Tie the two ends of the 12-inch piece of yarn together and pull tightly to scrunch the yarn wrapped around the poster board together. Hold the tie to keep it secure.

4. Press one blade on your scissors underneath the wrapped yarn on the side of the poster board opposite from the tie and cut the center of the yarn wraps. Pull the ends of the 12-inch piece of yarn again tightly to secure the yarn pieces in place. Tie the yarn ends again into a double knot.

5. Fluff the yarn ends to create a full pom-pom. Use the ends of the 12-inch piece of yarn to tie around the shoelaces on your shoes and trim the ends. Adapt the width of the poster board for shorter pom-pom strands.

Shoe Bows

6. Cut an 8-inch, a 4-inch and a 3-inch piece of ribbon and wave each cut end over the open flame of a lighter to heat-seal the ends and prevent fraying.

7. Tie a loose knot into the center of the 3-inch piece of ribbon and set it aside. Fold the two ends into the center of the ribbon and overlap them by 1 inch. Secure the two ends to the center with a dab of hot glue.

8. Squirt another dab of hot glue over the overlapped ribbon ends and place the center of the 4-inch ribbon onto it to create the back of a bow form. Turn the bow form over and place it on your work surface.

9. Place a dab of hot glue on the center of the bow form and adhere the loose knot from the 3-inch piece of ribbon. Turn the bow form over again to the back.

10. Overlap the ends of the 3-inch piece of ribbon and secure them together with hot glue but don't glue them to the back of the bow form. Press the ends of the alligator clip to open it, insert one section of the clip through the ribbon tunnel made by gluing the 3-inch ribbon ends together and use the clip to secure the bow to the shoelaces.

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