Friday, August 9, 2013

Instructions To Make Children'S Hair Bows

Hair bow

Boutique hair bows are adorable on little girls, but they can also be very pricey. Some hair bows can run upwards to $8 per bow, and if you want to have bows to match every outfit, you'll be in the poorhouse. Learning make your own children's hair bows can save you money and might even become a hobby that you love.

Ribbon Snap Clips

Ribbon snap clips are an easy variation on making bows and the perfect place to start for a beginner. You'll need to purchase ribbon at the craft store and pick up some plain, sliver alligator clips at your local beauty supply store. Have a glue gun handy. To make a ribbon snap clip, you begin with some ribbon---a thin grosgrain is best. Glue one end of the ribbon to the end of the alligator clip and begin winding the ribbon around the clip until it is completely covered. Glue along the way, so that the ribbon is secure. You can then leave it how it is or add a small decorative flower to jazz it up.

Corker Bows

Corker bows look expensive and impressive, but can be easily made at home with less expensive materials. Choose a thin grosgrain ribbon of up to 3/8 inch. Purchase a few 1/4-inch dowels from a craft or hardware store. Depending on how long you want your corker bow to be, cut the ribbon to the desired length. Then begin winding the ribbon around the dowel. You'll want to cut the ribbon about 50 percent longer than you want the actual bow to be, to make up for the winding. When you've wound it all the way, secure the end of the ribbon with a clothespin and then put it in a 275-degree oven for 25 to 30 minutes. When you take them out and allow them to cool, they should be in fixed spirals that you can then tie a ribbon around and glue to a clip to finish off the corker bow.

Flower Bow

If you love the look of large flower bows on little girls, then you have to learn make them. Once you find out how easy it is, you'll be making flower bows for every occasion. You can start this bow off with a ribbon-covered snap clip, or you can leave the clip silver. Head to the artificial flower section of the craft store, and pick out some artificial flowers that have large colorful blossoms. When you get home, you can pull the blossoms off of their artificial stems and trim the excess plastic from the bottom. Use your glue gun to secure the flower to the clip; the larger the flower, the more dramatic the look. Finish off the bow by gluing a small ribbon bow in the center of the flower.

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